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    Support Garments And Waist Trainers: The TRUTH

    Support Garments And Waist Trainers: The TRUTH

    In today’s video I discuss: SUPPORT GARMENTS & WAIST TRAINERS.

    Today I’m busting myths and shattering illusions. Support garments (or suck your guts in panties and tops as I like to call them) have been a great friend of mine during my weight loss journey, particularly for stopping my rolley bits from slapping together when I’m moving with gusto, leaving bystanders wondering who was applauding. (I’m not even kidding)

    Waist trainers are different. Corsets and compression garments can be used for healing post surgery, post injury or postpartum, but WAIST TRAINERS…..ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?

    Find out why in today’s quick rant and please like, comment or share so we can spread the love baby X

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