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    Mindfulness as an Introvert

    Does being around people drain you? Do you find yourself having to fake interest in a conversation? Do you get random bouts of anxiety after a long day?

    Then you may need to step aside and recharge.

    unrecognizable young ethnic man walking on seashore introvert spirituality mental health anxiety mindfulness tips introversion peace meditation meditate focus emotions emotional quiet self care relax relaxing
    Photo by ROMAN ODINTSOV on Pexels.com

    Mindfulness as an Introvert

    As a kid, I used to feel spontaneous bursts of emotions, fatigue and irritation mostly. Other than being an extremely hormonal teenager, I realised that I had always felt drained and unsettled around other people or large crowds. I was really only able to balance myself once I had learnt about introversion and extroversion; You might think that these are just labels, but they actually help describe people’s energy levels around social interaction!

    So if you’ve figured out you’re an introvert like me, I’ll give you some advice to keep in mind. It’s good to keep note of when you start to feel tired before you end up feeling completely exhausted.

    Tips for an Introvert

    1. Isolate yourself first.
      • If you derive energy from within yourself, you won’t be able to think clearly or sort your thoughts out with other people around you. Give yourself time and space to process your thoughts.
    2. Rationalise your emotions.
      • If you’re feeling unusually anxious or irritated, take a breath. Regulate your emotions by working through your thoughts at your own pace. Ask yourself why you might be feeling upset, and take steps to help your emotions calm before taking action.
    3. Do activities to clear your mind.
      • Sometimes taking a step back isn’t enough. Sometimes you’ll want to do things on your own, or be in a bustling, energetic environment without wanting to talk to anyone. Whether it’s being productive or taking a stroll at the beach, there are many ideas for introverts to enjoy on their own!
    woman in white tank top lying on gray bed introvert spirituality mental health anxiety mindfulness tips introversion peace meditation meditate focus emotions emotional quiet self care relax relaxing
    Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com

    Solo Activities for Introverts

    • Driving with music
    • Cleaning around the house
    • Going out for lunch a cafe by yourself – If you’re feeling productive, take your laptop or work with you!
    • Solo trip – If you have the resources, I highly recommend a trip out of town to purge yourself from a busy and stressful lifestyle!
    • Gym – Fitness is a great activity to release endorphins and relieve depression and anxiety!
    • Running errands
    • Grocery shopping
    • Reading a book in your own home or at your local park
    • Furniture and appliance shopping – Not sure if it’s just me, but I feel so accomplished when I purchase ‘adult’ necessities!
    • Self-care with a spa day
    • Writing – A great outlet for expression! Blog writing, fictional writing, journal writing; Not only does it clear your mind, but it refines your literacy skills!
    • Baking
    • Gardening
    • Take a trip to the Museum or Art Gallery
    • Visit a local event in your area
    • Curl up on the couch and watch a movie with your best friend! – Sometimes, all you need is that one person who doesn’t make you feel misunderstood!
    man in red shirt sitting on black and white chair introvert spirituality mental health anxiety mindfulness tips introversion peace meditation meditate focus emotions emotional quiet self care relax relaxing
    Photo by Thirdman on Pexels.com
    boy in blue and white long sleeve shirt sitting on brown soil introvert spirituality mental health anxiety mindfulness tips introversion peace meditation meditate focus emotions emotional quiet self care relax relaxing
    Photo by RODNAE Productions on Pexels.com
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    Phoebe is a marketing student with a love of food, fashion, business and writing. With a modern perspective, she embraces new experiences and finds joy in sharing the simple things in life.

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