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    Restaurant Review: Fish

    Restaurant Review: Fish

    Fish‘ on Princes Wharf is Hilton Hotels sparkling gem of a restaurant, delivering both a next level dining experience, as well as unrivalled views of the Waitematā Harbour that will literally make you feel like you’re living your best celebrity life. 

    While the restaurant is billed as a ‘casual dining experience’, this is the place to go if you’re craving something a bit special to share with friends, or if you’re planning to impress a first date. The wine list is extensive and thoughtfully curated to suit the menu, and the menu itself is a delightful performance of flavours and textures.

    So here’s a tip: if you want the full experience, order the ‘Taste of Fish’ Menu with wine pairings. It’s an incredible showcase of culinary delights that just kept on giving. Do it. You’ll thank me later.

    The opening act

    Starting with house made focaccia, goats cheese beignets with thyme honey (for the non-seafood eaters among us) and platters of bluff oysters, each dish was paired with the perfect wine, described in detail by both culinary director Des Harris and our sommeliers. For me, it was a complete fusion of art, creativity and personal stories, making it a unique and extra special experience. 

    Act 2

    The next act was a selection of Blackfoot Paua fritters, citrus cured Ora King Salmon, scallops, or Taupo Beef Carpaccio (for the non seafood eaters), which for me was one of the stand out dishes. I’ve never experienced beef with such a creamy texture, and the egg yolk jam and greens that accompanied it, I can only compare to that moment when you find a matching shoes and handbag set. They were made for each other and my life is complete. 

    FYI: The pictures above are paua and scallops. It was only after I demolished the beef that I realised I had forgotten to photograph it for you. Apologies, however I can confirm that it was damn good and you need to try it.

    Act 3

    But wait, there’s more! This menu went over and above my expectations. Non seafood options included a delicate mix of sweet and savoury with a gorgeous cured butternut squash or lobster tails on risotto cleverly re-engineered with sunflower seeds replacing the rice. It was a brilliant reinvention of this dish and a delightful surprise. The risotto was also served as its own dish for the non-seafood eaters and even after all the courses we’d had, I noticed that every plate was devoured. 

    The wine pairings also took us on a journey, weaving in and out: from champagne to whites, to reds, to whites, to champagne, leading us to the final act………..dessert. 

    The finale

    fish restaurant dessert

    This exquisite performance sent me over the edge. 4 words: hokey pokey and mandarin ice cream. OK: technically 5 words.

    Decadent. Crunchy. Creamy. Brilliant.

    Now, I’m not one to gossip but I will share that one of our diners may have scoffed 2. IT WAS THAT GOOD. 

    Final thoughts

    Fish Restaurant - Des Harris
    Fish Restaurants Culinary Director Des Harris

    As I sit here writing this, I’m filled with emotion. Don’t be fooled by the name. While Fish is the perfect haven for seafood lovers, it delivered over and above for the non seafood eaters amongst us as well.

    To also have the Culinary Director describing both his experience and his art was incredibly special, and a great reminder that many hours of blood, sweat and tears goes into creating what was so much more than just a dinner out.

    This was an experience of joy. A show of brilliant performances perfectly delivered in many acts, and in my opinion, is a show best experienced with good friends who ‘get’ food. Do it.

    Check out their website: https://www.fishrestaurant.co.nz/

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