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    Low Carb Yorkshire Pudding Recipe

    Low Carb Yorkshire Pudding Recipe

    One of the challenges when you’re a low carber is that you often have to miss out on things that you love – UP TILL NOW!  One of my favourite dishes is a good bit of roast lamb, smothered in gravy with a bit of Yorkshire Pudding on the side. And peas. You always have to have peas.  Sadly, gravy, peas and the Yorkshire Pud are all carbs my body isn’t fond of, so the baker in me wondered if I could do a low carb version. And after several tries, this one is my favourite. The key is a good hot oven and the oil or fat you use. I have used Green Touch Avocado Oil because after trying loads of oils, this is one of the best and it transforms flavours from ‘ok’ to ‘WOW’ – and flavour is a big food driver for me. Avocado oil is also the safest oil to use at a high heat which is what this recipe requires, so give it a whirl!!

    Recipe: (makes 6)

    • 4 eggs
    • 1/2 a cup of milk
    • 3 tablespoons of coconut flour
    • 3 teaspoons of Green Touch Avocado Oil
    • Salt and pepper (optional)

    Heat your oven to around 200 or 225 if your oven is cooler

    In a muffin tray add 1/2 a teaspoon of oil to each muffin holder

    Put in the oven and heat until sizzling

    Mix all other ingredients in a blender till mixed through

    Once oil is sizzling fill up each container until all the mixture is gone

    Cook for around 20 mins or until golden

    Add your own toppings and devour

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